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Introduction to the world of Esports in English

Description des cours
I am passionate about eSports, event management, and creating unique experiences for consumers. My educational background includes a Bachelor's Degree of Arts in Event Management MBA major in Esports Management from Geneva. I have been a Basketball player, and today I am a registered professional esports player and coach inseveral esports Federations.
Hakim en quelques mots
Gaming was continuously a part of the human life, a necessary entertainment and often an
educational tool. A long time ago, hopscotch, tag, hide and seek and many more traditional
games were the ways of entertainment. Greeks invented the Olympic Games, and Roman
emperors used to state that people need “bread and games” justifying the construction of the
Colosseum in Rome and other game infrastruc...
Gaming was continuously a part of the human life, a necessary entertainment and often an
educational tool. A long time ago, hopscotch, tag, hide and seek and many more traditional
games were the ways of entertainment. Greeks invented the Olympic Games, and Roman
emperors used to state that people need “bread and games” justifying the construction of the
Colosseum in Rome and other game infrastructure. Card games were also mainstream over
the planet, people would meet in cafes, bars or houses and play their favorite card games
jointly. In the 15 th century, King Louis XI found a new brilliant way of amusement and
invented billiard in Northern Europe. In the World Sports Encyclopedia sponsored by
UNESCO, Wojciech Liponski 1 has gathered more than 3,000 games and sport disciplines
from all the nations of the world.
In the last decade, most of the games became computer-generated, allowing users to play
football, soccer, basketball and baseball virtually… Additionally, new types of games were
invented such as Real Time Strategy (RTS) and Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA)
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Event Management
Formation et qualifications
MBA Major Esports
Master 1
Formation et qualifications
Esports as a development tool
Doctorat (en cours)
Anglais Français Arabe
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