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Cours particuliers de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
verified Données vérifiées time 5 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur Taux de réponse <strong>100%</strong> Taux de réponse 100%
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Experiences teacher in providing English language lessons to any age. (Adustable to online classes due to COVID)

Description des cours
I am from India, I am 24 years old and I am studying Fashion in Paris. I love travelling, cooking and painting. I love meeting and interacting with new people and that has what brought me here to get to know people by helping them and understand French culture from their eyes.
I want to keep the teaching methods both direct as well as communicative. I feel direct method will be a very natural way to learn and when accompanied with communication it will have a practical advantage and edge. It will always help the learners to have active participation.
Chhayya en quelques mots
I want to keep the teaching methods both direct as well as communicative. I feel the direct method will be a very natural way to learn and when accompanied with communication it will have a practical advantage and edge. It will always help the learners to have active participation. It will be inclusive of the below mentbilingualismts:
Grammar Translation – the classical method.
Direct Method – d...
I want to keep the teaching methods both direct as well as communicative. I feel the direct method will be a very natural way to learn and when accompanied with communication it will have a practical advantage and edge. It will always help the learners to have active participation. It will be inclusive of the below mentbilingualismts:
Grammar Translation – the classical method.
Direct Method – discovering the importance of speaking.
Audio-libilingualism the first modern methodology.
Humanistic Approaches – a range of holistic methods applied to language learning.
Communicative Language Teaching – the modern standard method
Principled Eclecticism – fitting the method to the learner, not the learner to the method
This means choosing the techniques and activities that are appropriate for each particular task, context and learner, with a focus on motivation and helping learners become independent and inspired to learn more.

Je veux garder les méthodes d'enseignement à la fois directes et communibilingualisme pense que la méthode directe sera une manière très naturelle d'apprendre et lorsqu'elle sera accompagnée de communication, elle aura un avantage et un avantage pratiques. Cela aidera toujours les apprenants à participer activement. Il comprendra les mentbilinguismes ci-dessous:
Traduction grammaticale - la méthode classique.
Méthode directe - découvrir l'importance de parler.
Audio-libilinguisme la première méthodologie moderne.
Approches humanistes - une gamme de méthodes holistiques appliquées à l'apprentissage des langues.
Enseignement communicatif des langues - la méthode standard moderne
Éclectisme fondé sur des principes - adapter la méthode à l'apprenant, pas l'apprenant à la méthode
Cela signifie choisir les techniques et les activités qui conviennent à chaque tâche, contexte et apprenant en particulier, en mettant l'accent sur la motivation et en aidant les apprenants à devenir indépendants et inspirés à en apprendre davantage.
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
MSc in Luxury and Fashion Management
Master 2 (en cours)
Anglais Français Indien
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