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4 avis
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I need support in English for my master thesis in Stata and in few seconds he answered to my message and we scheduled the lesson. Few lessons, with guaranteed results: he completely knows what it is...
I need support in English for my master thesis in Stata and in few seconds he answered to my message and we scheduled t...
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Cours particuliers Stastiques

Description des cours
Technical Skills (application and often implementation from scratch):

1) Econometrics: Multivariate Regression, Discrete variable models (i.e. Logit), Time series models (i.e. AR/MA, ARCH/GARCH), Vector AutoRegressive model (VAR), Cointegration (Engle-Granger, VECM), Long-memory process (Fractional Integration), Regime switching models (Hamilton Filter), Kalman Filter, Unobserved Components ARIMA model, Beveridge-Nelson decomposition (Hansen's approach), Copula methods, Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, Black-Litterman model (Meucci's approach), Hierarchical Risk Parity

2) Quantitative Trading (Mid-High Frequency Trading): Stat Arb & Pairs Trading models, Order Imbalance & Order Replenishment effects on intraday returns, Optimal Setup of Entry-Exit Trading Triggers for Quant Trading Strategies, Stat Arb Bertram Model, Data sampling rules for non equally-spaced data (time vs. volume clock for high freq data), Bid-Ask Bounce Bias & Sahalia Method for Microstructure Noise Estimation & Test, Hayashi-Yoshida Lead-Lag Index, D'Aspremont Method for Mean Rev Portfolios, Market Fragmentation in Financial Markets, High-Low prices & Pivot Points trading rule, Trend Following Strategy, Avellaneda-Stoikov Model for Optimal Trading Execution

3) Risk Management: P&L production & analysis for energy trading, VaR & Profit at Risk for energy trading, Merton approach for Credit VaR with/without credit rating migrations, EVT & Copula-based VaR, Stress Test models, Structured Credit Models for Regulatory Risk-Transfer, Additional Value Adjustments for Balance Sheet, Risk Aggregation, Model Risk, Interpolation Methods for multi-year PD Term Structure, Methods for Semidefinite-Positive Corr Matrix Adjustment

4) Financial Mathematics: Longstaff-Schwartz, HJM model (Glasserman's scheme), Greeks with Finite Difference Method, CPPI Products & Cushion Multiplier Setup

5) Machine Learning: Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Principal Component Analysis & Regression, XGBoost, Random Forest
Mattia en quelques mots
Technical Skills (application and often implementation from scratch):

1) Econometrics: Multivariate Regression, Discrete variable models (i.e. Logit), Time series models (i.e. AR/MA, ARCH/GARCH), Vector AutoRegressive model (VAR), Cointegration (Engle-Granger, VECM), Long-memory process (Fractional Integration), Regime switching models (Hamilton Filter), Kalman Filter, Unobserved Components ARIM...
Technical Skills (application and often implementation from scratch):

1) Econometrics: Multivariate Regression, Discrete variable models (i.e. Logit), Time series models (i.e. AR/MA, ARCH/GARCH), Vector AutoRegressive model (VAR), Cointegration (Engle-Granger, VECM), Long-memory process (Fractional Integration), Regime switching models (Hamilton Filter), Kalman Filter, Unobserved Components ARIMA model, Beveridge-Nelson decomposition (Hansen's approach), Copula methods, Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, Black-Litterman model (Meucci's approach), Hierarchical Risk Parity

2) Quantitative Trading (Mid-High Frequency Trading): Stat Arb & Pairs Trading models, Order Imbalance & Order Replenishment effects on intraday returns, Optimal Setup of Entry-Exit Trading Triggers for Quant Trading Strategies, Stat Arb Bertram Model, Data sampling rules for non equally-spaced data (time vs. volume clock for high freq data), Bid-Ask Bounce Bias & Sahalia Method for Microstructure Noise Estimation & Test, Hayashi-Yoshida Lead-Lag Index, D'Aspremont Method for Mean Rev Portfolios, Market Fragmentation in Financial Markets, High-Low prices & Pivot Points trading rule, Trend Following Strategy, Avellaneda-Stoikov Model for Optimal Trading Execution

3) Risk Management: P&L production & analysis for energy trading, VaR & Profit at Risk for energy trading, Merton approach for Credit VaR with/without credit rating migrations, EVT & Copula-based VaR, Stress Test models, Structured Credit Models for Regulatory Risk-Transfer, Additional Value Adjustments for Balance Sheet, Risk Aggregation, Model Risk, Interpolation Methods for multi-year PD Term Structure, Methods for Semidefinite-Positive Corr Matrix Adjustment

4) Financial Mathematics: Longstaff-Schwartz, HJM model (Glasserman's scheme), Greeks with Finite Difference Method, CPPI Products & Cushion Multiplier Setup

5) Machine Learning: Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Principal Component Analysis & Regression, XGBoost, Random Forest
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4 avis d'élèves et ex-élèves de Mattia
Ulrich et 3 autres personnes ont recommandé Mattia
I need support in English for my master thesis in Stata and in few seconds he answered to my message and we scheduled the lesson. Few lessons, with guaranteed results: he completely knows what it is needed to complete the task. Strongly suggested!
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Un aiuto preziosissimo! Ha saputo capire in poco tempo di cosa avessi bisogno e ha risolto ogni mio dubbio e problema. Non guardate gli altri docenti, scrivete subito a lui (tra l'altro risponde in pochissimi secondi)
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Dovevo consegnare in 3 giorni un progetto di econometria che a me sembrava incomprensibile, ma Mattia in pochi minuti ha accettato la mia richiesta, ricevuto su whats app la richiesta del progetto, risposto sulla fattibilità, fatto un preventivo... In 1 giorno avevo il mio progetto completato nella mia posta elettronica, con voto finale di 30L
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Fantastico Professionista. In poche ore risolve tutti i problemi, soprattutto per tesi di laurea. Consigliatissimo!!!
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