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Cours particuliers de Anglais
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Cours particuliers d'anglais avec une Irlandaise!

Description des cours
Bonjour, moi c'est Maela je suis Irlandaise avec une expérience riche dans l'enseignement de l'anglais et une connaissance approfondie des besoins des apprenants. J'ai travaillé comme prof d'anglais a l'université d'Angers et L'UBS (Lorient) ainsi que les écoles de langues en Irlande.

Mes cours sont basés sur la confiance, ainsi qu'un suivi personnel pour chacun. Grammaire, conjugaison, vocabulaire, conversation... tout est abordable pour peu qu'on en ai la volonté. :)
Maela en quelques mots
With more than 4 years experience teaching english as a foreign language, two of which were at university level in France and 2 more at language schools in Ireland, I'm confident I can help you achieve your language needs. I'm an extremely creative person with an incredible work ethic, therefore I create lessons which are fun, dynamic yet very effective and most importantly, they are personalised...
With more than 4 years experience teaching english as a foreign language, two of which were at university level in France and 2 more at language schools in Ireland, I'm confident I can help you achieve your language needs. I'm an extremely creative person with an incredible work ethic, therefore I create lessons which are fun, dynamic yet very effective and most importantly, they are personalised to your individual needs. If those needs are learning english for business, exams or just for conversation, I'm the tutor for you.
I grew up in a bilingual household in Ireland speaking both English and Irish and I learned french in my later years when I studied it at university level and then later on moved to France for a few years. I absolutely love languages, and the learning of languages. This is why I think that I have great empathy for people learning languages and knowledge of how to do it speed up the learning process in a comfortable and effective way.
My classes are very well structured and organised but I'm most proud of how engaging they are. My method is usually based around building confidence. If you don't have confidence you won't learn a language. Language is spoken thanks to the confidence to speak it. My activities are based around building that confidence to jump into the learning process and have fun while doing so.
I'm very privileged to thoroughly enjoy my job. I love teaching and coaching and I'm excited at the prospect of helping you on your learning journey.
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
BA International French and Geography
Anglais Français
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