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6 avis
1er cours offert
Premier cours offert
Ville Angers, Avrillé (Maine-et-Loire), Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou
Cours particuliers de Anglais
6 avis
verified Données vérifiées time 2 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
Les élèves de Simran donnent leur avis : Les élèves de Simran donnent leur avis :
Miss Simran has been teaching me for about two years now and I don’t think I’ve had any other teacher who is as patient or understanding or knowledgable. She makes hard concepts incredibly easy to un...
Miss Simran has been teaching me for about two years now and I don’t think I’ve had any other teacher who is as patient...
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Premier cours offert
20 € Supplément de déplacement
Villes où se
déroulent les cours
Avrillé (Maine-et-Loire)
Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
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Cours du soutien scolaire et aide aux devoirs et rattrapages

Description des cours
Cours du soutien scolaire et aide aux devoirs et rattrapages
Simran en quelques mots

Découvrir la langue anglaise avec moi, en nageant dans différentes cultures anglophones! Vous allez apprendre le vocabulaire, la grammaire, les phonétiques dans une manière créative et inventive. Venez apprendre dans une façon que vous n'avez jamais utiliser avant.

N'attendez pas pour longtemps avant que vous vous inscrivez! Je vous attends!
Bon courage pour cet aventure !
À bientôt !

Découvrir la langue anglaise avec moi, en nageant dans différentes cultures anglophones! Vous allez apprendre le vocabulaire, la grammaire, les phonétiques dans une manière créative et inventive. Venez apprendre dans une façon que vous n'avez jamais utiliser avant.

N'attendez pas pour longtemps avant que vous vous inscrivez! Je vous attends!
Bon courage pour cet aventure !
À bientôt !
6 avis d'élèves et ex-élèves de Simran
RJ et 5 autres personnes ont recommandé Simran
Miss Simran has been teaching me for about two years now and I don’t think I’ve had any other teacher who is as patient or understanding or knowledgable. She makes hard concepts incredibly easy to understand will explain things fifty times if required
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Paras Bathija
Simran has helped me get a very good grasp on the English language. I was very underconfident when it came to speaking in public but with Simran's quality of teaching, depth of knowledge, and her ability & patience to make her students understand 'language' at a deep level, I have fallen in love with English and enjoy everyday conversations with my colleagues, confidently. I'm still learning to use more complicated vocabulary & 'fancier' sounding words - a habit that Simran inculcates and encourages for better eloquence, lifelong growth & learning.
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She is a wonderful teacher with innovative methods of teaching languages. She taught me English and I passed my english exams with flying colours!
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Shloka S.
Simran has a certain ease which makes students automatically comfortable, less worried, nervous and more confident in learning.
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Vallabh Thuthija
There are no words to describe Simran. She is a very consistent and persuasive French teacher. She has been extremely sincere since the day she took up French as her main subject. As a person, also she is very much dedicated to her field and a very open minded person who is always looking to learn more and more. She is very candid about her subject and extremely honest in her dealings with people. She is playful with her colleagues and yet extremely serious when it comes to her area of work and that is the language French.
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