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Professeur natif d'anglais et allemand tout les niveau

Description des cours
Je suis étudiant Diplome d'une école Américaine je suis trilingue ( Allemand- Anglais- Francais). Je suis une personne très studieuse et patiente. Je possède de solide compétences et connaissances qui me permettront d'aider les personnes qui rencontrent des difficultés avec ces 2 langues en leur apportant une certaie méthode de travail et mon soutient.
Bienveillant, à l'écoute pédagogue et assidue je suis persuadé que mon aide sera précieuse et que vous serez ravie de me compter parmis vos professeurs à domicile.
Je reste à votre disposition pour toutes informations complementaires.
Envoyez moi un mail.
Plamedi en quelques mots
Well, I grew up learning English and, I know for a fact how hard it can be. So if you don't know the basics it's not a problem I will take my time to help you understand everything and, that you don't have to be afraid of learning a new language. As for my method I'll ask the student how he likes to study, I'm following your pace, it's important for me that at the end of the day you know how to...
Well, I grew up learning English and, I know for a fact how hard it can be. So if you don't know the basics it's not a problem I will take my time to help you understand everything and, that you don't have to be afraid of learning a new language. As for my method I'll ask the student how he likes to study, I'm following your pace, it's important for me that at the end of the day you know how to write and say a full grammatically correct sentence. I want you to be motivated because if you are motivated then me too, I'm funny but I can be serious too and, I don't like my time being wasted, because first of all you choose me to teach a new language. I did my last two years in an American school so if you plan on going to the USA to or for whatever reason I will sit down with and tell you clear and concise what you to be focused on.
I hope that we will have a great time together.
Anglais Allemand Français
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