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Saqib Ullah
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Saqib Ullah
Ville Angers, Avrillé (Maine-et-Loire), Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou
Cours particuliers de Économie
verified Données vérifiées time 3 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Avrillé (Maine-et-Loire)
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Teacher with experience gives Economics education at all level

Description des cours
Doctorate in Economics, I have been teaching as an adjunct faculty member at South Champagne Business School (SCBS) Troyes and ESSCA business school Angers since-I am too keen to contribute to the field of education, share my knowledge and experience with the students, and contribute through quality research, which is also compulsory to achieve proficiency in any body of knowledge.
Saqib Ullah en quelques mots
I have done my PhD in Economics from the University of Angers, France. In the framework of my doctoral research titled "Trade effects, business cycle, and economic competitiveness," I developed and proved my skills related to project management and contributed to the growth of knowledge in my field while applying various econometric and theoretical methods. This research experience, beyond my aca...
I have done my PhD in Economics from the University of Angers, France. In the framework of my doctoral research titled "Trade effects, business cycle, and economic competitiveness," I developed and proved my skills related to project management and contributed to the growth of knowledge in my field while applying various econometric and theoretical methods. This research experience, beyond my academic background, has allowed me to develop my writing skills over the years by developing several research articles. I have three publications, four in the pipeline, and a few in progress. Before my doctorate, the Master 2 in Economics allowed me to acquire solid knowledge in most areas of economics, especially in macroeconomics and microeconomics, statistics, econometrics, and data analysis. It also allowed me to better understand data collection, interpretation, modeling, and the results formalization.
I have been teaching as an adjunct faculty member at South Champagne Business School (SCBS) Troyes since 2021. I also have teaching experience at the Université Catholique de l'Ouest (UCO) Angers, and ESSCA School of management Angers. These experiences make me a motivated and rigorous candidate who will fit perfectly into your school. I am too keen to contribute to the field of education, share my knowledge and experience with the students, and contribute through quality research, which is also compulsory to achieve proficiency in any body of knowledge.
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