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Cours particuliers de FLE - Français langue étrangère
verified Données vérifiées time 1 année d'expérience en tant que professeur
Premier cours offert
10 € Supplément de déplacement
Niveaux des cours
Niveaux des cours
Maternelle et préscolaire
Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
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You freshly arrived in France ? Learn French with improvisation basis ! Tu es fraîchment arrivé dans notre beau pays ? N'attend pas ? Apprends le français sur la base d'improvisation théâtrale

Description des cours
I have been leaving 6 years abroad. I am passionated by foreign culture and languages.
Thus notions will mostly be transmitted orally, in order you to be able quickly to speak with your colleagues.
With improvisation basis, learning French will be a game.
I am exited to meet you !

Fort d'une expérience de 6 ans au quatre coins de l'Europe, les langues et les coutumes me passionnent. C'est donc avec naturel que je vous propose une transmission de ma langue maternelle et des nuances grammaticales et sociétales. Je travaille avec une base d'improvisation théâtrale. Les notions sont en grande majorité enseignées à l'oral.

J'ai hâte de te rencontrer !
Gaëlle en quelques mots

I am Gaëlle Cronel, 38 years old. I am pasionated by music: I play the piano, the violin and the celo.
I am also fond of outdoor sports like trail or paragliding. I practice improvisational theater since 8 years.

I have been leaving in Scotland, Germany, Norway and Poland during 6 years. I was also an English teacher in the first and second grade. Learning foreign languages together will be...

I am Gaëlle Cronel, 38 years old. I am pasionated by music: I play the piano, the violin and the celo.
I am also fond of outdoor sports like trail or paragliding. I practice improvisational theater since 8 years.

I have been leaving in Scotland, Germany, Norway and Poland during 6 years. I was also an English teacher in the first and second grade. Learning foreign languages together will be a game.
I am passionated by foreign culture and languages.

Diplomed with and English and German Master, I teach English on the basis of improvisational theater.

The notions will mostly be transmitted orally, in order you to be able quickly to speak with your colleagues and friends.

I am excited to meet you !
Anglais Espagnol Polonais Allemand
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