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Ville Bayonne, Boucau, Saint-Pierre-d'Irube
Cours particuliers de Anglais
verified Données vérifiées time 3 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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An English professor who teaches IELTS , beginners and advanced students . I am multilingual. I am fluent in Arabic , English, French and beginner in German

Description des cours
An English professor who teaches IELTS , beginners and advanced students . I am multilingual. I am fluent in Arabic , English, French and beginner in German.
Wael en quelques mots
In order to teach English people need to understand that it’s not that easy , there’s a process we need to follow . I , personally start with basic grammar for every student because if he or she understands the grammar , there will be no problem in speaking or writing. They will understand and know the rules , however if you start in a random way they will get confused.
I teach IELTS too, the 4 b...
In order to teach English people need to understand that it’s not that easy , there’s a process we need to follow . I , personally start with basic grammar for every student because if he or she understands the grammar , there will be no problem in speaking or writing. They will understand and know the rules , however if you start in a random way they will get confused.
I teach IELTS too, the 4 basics , reading , speaking, writing and listening. I follow the process and the guidance of the British embassy , the results were great , all my students achieved their required grade.
In order to let your students trust you , you need to follow a clear plan and a flexible plan. The reason is that they will know what they will study next , studying in a random way will confuse students , leave some of them not getting or understanding what they are learning. Finally, developing trust between students and the tutor, so they will know it’s not just formal , they ask for any help they want , they will feel more appreciated.
Anglais Français Arabe
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