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Ville Boulogne-sur-Mer
Cours particuliers de Anglais
verified Données vérifiées time 2 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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a secondary school teacher; taught both in the public and private sector

Description des cours
hello; im Amara Tinhinane, since i was a child i always had a dream of helping others therefore i decided from earlyon to become a teacher, Ergo i studied hard to be able to enroll to ENS which a special school designed to form teachers; after 5 years of hard work and dedication i finally realized my dream and became a secondary school teacher, and ive been one for 3 years, my strongest point lay on the fact i was well formed by amazing professors during my college years Additionally i taught people from different age groups which made me understand their needs and adapt to their personalities, since i worked in the private sector as well i have vast knowledge on teaching with both English Filles and headway which i view as essential material to all teachers that want to excel in their profession
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