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Cours particuliers de Anglais
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Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
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Cours pour tous les âges et tous les niveaux ! Anglais des affaires/ préparation aux examens (IELTS, SAT,…)/ communications…

Description des cours
Découvrez des leçons d'anglais personnalisées adaptées à tous les niveaux et à tous les âges ! En tant qu'enseignante expérimentée, je propose des cours d'anglais des affaires, de préparation aux examens (IELTS, SAT, etc.) et de communication. Avec une approche pédagogique dynamique, je m'appelle Kenza et je suis là pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs linguistiques.
Kenza en quelques mots
Hey there!
My name is Kenza Mbazaa, currently living in Tunisia but I have lived, studied and worked throughout various countries. English was always the go-to language in all of my years of moving-around. Studying English became a clear vision for me, and quickly teaching it became my main objective. With hard work, dedication I was quickly able to reach this set goal.
The experience I have acq...
Hey there!
My name is Kenza Mbazaa, currently living in Tunisia but I have lived, studied and worked throughout various countries. English was always the go-to language in all of my years of moving-around. Studying English became a clear vision for me, and quickly teaching it became my main objective. With hard work, dedication I was quickly able to reach this set goal.
The experience I have acquired over the years allows me to be certain that to be a teacher is my true calling.

For my Bachelor Degree, I chose to double-major in English ( Language Literature and Civilisation) and in Law. Studying those two fields at the same time allowed me to be organized, clear and to not fear stressful or large amount of work.

I am extremely motivated, working as an online teacher is something I have already experienced and would love to widen my horizon with you.
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Licence en Langue, Littérature et civilisation anglaise
Formation et qualifications
Droits privé
Formation et qualifications
Droits International Humanitaires et Droits Humains
Master 2
Arabe Français Italien Espagnol Anglais
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