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Seyed Morteza
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Seyed Morteza
Ville Caen, Épron, Hérouville-Saint-Clair, Saint-Germain-la-Blanche-Herbe, Biéville-Beuville, Cambes-en-Plaine, Colombelles, Mondeville (Calvados), Saint-Contest
Cours particuliers de FCE First Certificate in English
verified Données vérifiées time 3 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
Premier cours offert
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déroulent les cours
Mondeville (Calvados)
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Niveaux des cours
Maternelle et préscolaire
Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
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Master degree in business administration/ Master student of international commerce

Description des cours
I am a master student at IAE Caen university. I have a TOEFL certificate and a GRE. Furthermore, I am a patient person with the experience of teaching English and Math. I will be glad if I can help students in their way through success.
Seyed Morteza en quelques mots
In my class, we will speak only English. I will help you to understand and more importantly to speak fluent English. Because speaking is the first skill you will need in real world. The level of teaching depends on your English level, but don't worry, whatever level you are at, I will help you to maximize your potential.
If you want to know more about me, I should mention that I have an electric...
In my class, we will speak only English. I will help you to understand and more importantly to speak fluent English. Because speaking is the first skill you will need in real world. The level of teaching depends on your English level, but don't worry, whatever level you are at, I will help you to maximize your potential.
If you want to know more about me, I should mention that I have an electrical engineering bachelor degree, a master’s degree in MBA. Then I worked for some great companies in my country (Iran). My major expertise are in the field of business, and that is why I always used English language to contact foreigner partners and getting access to the newest information in my field.
After a few years of working in technological environments, I decided to experience studying and working in an international environment. Therefore, I came here to study International Management and Commerce. English is my only tool to communicate with others, study, and working. Thus, you can be sure that I will not teach you a bunch of theories, grammars, and words. I will help you to use English for your daily routines. And make you comfortable using it on a daily basis.
So, If you want to learn English in a practical way that you will not forget for the rest of your life, you should contact me. But be aware, if you want to work me, you should practice. As you may know: No pain, No gain.
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Master 2
Formation et qualifications
International management and commerce
Master 1 (en cours)
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