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1er cours offert
Premier cours offert
Ville Évry Essonne, Étiolles, Évry (Essonne), Soisy-sur-Seine, Juvisy-sur-Orge, Ris-Orangis, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, Viry-Châtillon, Saint-Vrain (Essonne), Corbeil-Essonnes, Brétigny-sur-Orge
Cours particuliers de Coach sportif
verified Données vérifiées time 3 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
Premier cours offert
Villes où se
déroulent les cours
Saint-Vrain (Essonne)
Évry (Essonne)
Niveaux des cours
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Fitness Trainer providing educational content on how to train smart and proper

Description des cours
Master's degree student in Training and Optimisation in Sports performance with previous 6 year experience in Personal Training. You will have the chance to discuss and plan you training and nutrition together. All ages and experience in training. Advanced speaking in English. Basic knowledge in French. Able to work worldwide online and face to face in Ile-de-France region.
Giorgos en quelques mots
As an experienced Fitness trainer I have worked with a lot of people with different profiles, ambitions and education. My studies and work experiences made me rethink the way of approach of each individual. My aim as a trainer is to make fitness a simple and daily habit in order to see life changing results and not only for a certain period. The courses content will differ according to practition...
As an experienced Fitness trainer I have worked with a lot of people with different profiles, ambitions and education. My studies and work experiences made me rethink the way of approach of each individual. My aim as a trainer is to make fitness a simple and daily habit in order to see life changing results and not only for a certain period. The courses content will differ according to practitioner profile. The basic aim is to understand your body as a tool to make you move better and feel stronger. When we reach the cognitive level of how our body can be used, the next step is to start setting small goals in order to make them bigger. It is really important to understand that fitness in not only the way we train, but the way we eat. So if the nutrition doesn't support the way you train, the results won't be optimal or not close at all. From my personal experience as a practitioner I have been very disciplined with the way I train and eat, but that doesn't mean that I was in pressure all the time. I explained to myself that to have a reward like a day off or a free meal, I must reach the goal I have set and believe me that gave me a better delight than skipping a workout or a meal just to rest. I would love to work with people who want to see the best versions of themselves and keep that momentum for the rest of their life.
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Training Optimisation and Sports Performance
Master 1 (en cours)
Anglais Français
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