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Yassine El Maifi
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Yassine El Maifi
Cours particuliers de Anglais
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Professeur d'anglais général ou des affaires avec une expérience de 15

Description des cours
Professeur d'anglais général ou des affaires avec une expérience de 15
Yassine El Maifi en quelques mots
CELTA Cambridge, TESOL TKT, TEFL TESOL from University of Oregon qualified English tutor with a wide experience running online sessions and providing educational assistance to various levels of learners and a passion for empowering and upskilling students and achieving their goals.I tend to encourage learning by creating a relaxed environment for students. Stimulating conversations about con...
CELTA Cambridge, TESOL TKT, TEFL TESOL from University of Oregon qualified English tutor with a wide experience running online sessions and providing educational assistance to various levels of learners and a passion for empowering and upskilling students and achieving their goals.I tend to encourage learning by creating a relaxed environment for students. Stimulating conversations about concepts being presented and organizing material and equipments in a way that appeals to the learners and makes it easiest to understand. I have a heartfelt love for this job. For my future professional career and for my innovative teaching, and I am committed to making meaningful contributions to the student’s growth.
In my teaching practices, I attach significant importance to communication and interactivity. I tend to introduce original English movies, classroom debates, mini-plays, simulations and other forms of teaching into my classroom to change the conventional passivity in the students' acquisition of English knowledge. During communicative activities the students are far from quiet. They do most of the speaking, and generally the atmosphere in classroom during a the lesson is active. Because of the increased responsibility to participate, even the weakest students may find they gain confidence in using the target language they learn.
I believe that guided, spontaneous and improvised practice help to make minds be more flexible and gain confidence in coping with unforeseen, unexpected situations. There is always a need to use different registers and develop alternative ways of perceiving things. In all, Accommodating various learning styles creates an adequate setting that is conducive to learning.

Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
CELTA Cambridge
Français Anglais
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