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Elsa Weigel
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Elsa Weigel
Ville Lyon, Caluire-et-Cuire, Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or, Écully, La Mulatière, Sainte-Foy-lès-, Tassin-la-Demi-Lune, Villeurbanne
Cours particuliers de Anglais
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Cours à tous niveaux d'anglais : de débutant à avancé

Description des cours
Bonjour !

Je m'appelle Elsa, étudiante de 21 ans diplômée en sciences politiques et relations internationales. Mon emploi du temps flexible me permet de donner des cours à domicile ou chez moi, je m'adapte aux besoins de mon élève :).

J'enseigne l'anglais à tous niveaux. J'ai suivi un cursus en anglais et ai obtenu un score de 104 sur 120 au TOEFL (niveau C1 - avancé), qui me permet d'enseigner autant la compréhension orale, écrite, ainsi que l'expression orale et écrite.

N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour plus d'informations !
Elsa Weigel en quelques mots
Hey ! My name is Elsa, I am 22 years old and lived 21 years in France in multiple regions of whom I'd be eager to share the cultures :) Among those, I lived in Alsace who has a rich history, especially in wines and food ;) I also lived in Haute-Savoie next to the Swiss border where the mountains are as beautiful as their cheese.

I am currently a student who came to Leeds to learn global governa...
Hey ! My name is Elsa, I am 22 years old and lived 21 years in France in multiple regions of whom I'd be eager to share the cultures :) Among those, I lived in Alsace who has a rich history, especially in wines and food ;) I also lived in Haute-Savoie next to the Swiss border where the mountains are as beautiful as their cheese.

I am currently a student who came to Leeds to learn global governance and diplomacy at the University of Leeds. Before that, I obtained my bachelor in political science and international relations in 2023 that I did at the HEIP school in Lyon.

My interests are not only in politics as my studies might suggest, I am passionate about reading, all sorts of books, painting, photography and travel !

I speak 3 languages fluently (French, English, Spanish), and currently learning Deutsch and Chinese, therefore i am used to what learning a language means, the difficulties one might have and how to overcome them :)

I have worked as a writer, both in French and English, which means I am used to different types of speaking and writing and can help you in your redactions. Along my studies I also got classes of oral speaking (as in politics it is important to know how to speak in front of people), which means I would also be delighted to help you for orals or oral pronunciation. Don't hesitate to contact me and ask me questions if you need :)
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
International Relations and politics
Formation et qualifications
Diplomacy and Global Governance
Anglais Espagnol Chinois Néerlandais Français
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