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Ilma De La Rosa
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Ilma De La Rosa
Ville Marigny-les-Usages
Cours particuliers de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
verified Données vérifiées time 2 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Private tutor, and English teacher at CEDEI-Ecuador

Description des cours
I have lived in the United States for the past 15 years. During this time, I have been teaching English all over the world. I also have a master degree in Youth and family ministry. I firmly believe that my life experience and education is what makes me a good teacher sho can relate with their students. Born in Brazil, and obviously speaking Portuguese, I am also someone who once had to learn a second language, and succeed.

Learning a second language is challenging, but with patience and dedication, it can be the most rewarding thing one can accomplish. I am passionate about teaching and helping others. That is why I earned my master's degree and continue pursuing my English language education. Considering the current global crisis, I am seeking an online teaching position. I am very flexible concerning dates and times.

What makes a successful teacher is the ability to relate to his/her students with empathy, patience, and encouragement. As an immigrant myself, I can connect with my students and understand the challenges and rewards of learning a new language. Being responsible and dedicated, I make sure my teaching style is interactive and efficient, primary seeking the student’s best interests.

As a children's ministry coach, I am responsible for the children's church service's success, including the right number of volunteers based on the number of kids in attendance. Also, this role allows me creativity in the classroom without compromising the core teaching elements. By the end of a successful Sunday school (about four services), I feel accomplished in delivering an impactful ministry to the children.

Following my application, you will find a copy of my Master's diploma. Please, contact me at your convenience, an if happen that I cannot answer at the moment, I will return your call or email as soon as I have a chance. Thank you so much for taking your time to consider my application. I greatly appreciate it.

English teacher at
CEDEI Foundation – English School in Ecuador – 01/2021 to Current
Duties includes: teach a group of students on a daily basis, apply tests and
exams, review homework, and plan lessons.
Private Tutor and English Teacher 01/2017 to Current
Auto-employed – Tampa-Florida - USA, Florida
• Prepared comprehensive English curriculum for many students.
• Consulted with teachers in English teaching to identify and adoptChildren's Ministry Director 0
Ilma De La Rosa en quelques mots
I truly enjoy teaching teenagers and especially adults. I believe that to learn a second language, the teacher needs to focus on the fours skills of learning: speaking, reading, listening, and writing. Grammar can not be left aside. Although grammar cannot be left out, practicing speaking skills regularly is key to a great learning adventure.
Here are some of my responsibilities as a teacher:
I truly enjoy teaching teenagers and especially adults. I believe that to learn a second language, the teacher needs to focus on the fours skills of learning: speaking, reading, listening, and writing. Grammar can not be left aside. Although grammar cannot be left out, practicing speaking skills regularly is key to a great learning adventure.
Here are some of my responsibilities as a teacher:
• English private tutor
• Group and individual teaching
• Classes preparation
• Project organization
• Curriculum preparation
• Adults and children teaching
• Business English teaching
• TOEFL instructor
• Grammar, listening, speaking, and
writing teaching
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