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Ville Nantes
Cours particuliers de FLE - Français langue étrangère
verified Données vérifiées time 2 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Aide aux devoirs Françaises et à parler Français courament

Description des cours
Je suis une Prof de Français avec beaucoup d'experience .J'enseigne en utilisant les méthods faciles à comprehendre.J'suis aussi très gentille et à la même fois proféssionel à mon travail.Je peu parler en l'anglais aussi. envoyez-moi moi un mel sur si vous avez besoin d'un prof Françaises.
Victoria en quelques mots
I'm a passionate professional teacher majoring in subjects such as French, English, Kiswahili , Science and history.I have 3 years experience especially in online tutoring. I'm a friendly teacher as well as understanding thus capable of working with all kinds of student personalities.
I'm goal oriented and love seeing my students perform well in each and every subject i teach them.
I use simple a...
I'm a passionate professional teacher majoring in subjects such as French, English, Kiswahili , Science and history.I have 3 years experience especially in online tutoring. I'm a friendly teacher as well as understanding thus capable of working with all kinds of student personalities.
I'm goal oriented and love seeing my students perform well in each and every subject i teach them.
I use simple and practical methods to help students better understand the contents.
My lessons will always be fun as i incorporate fun teaching methods to make the lessons livelier .You will never be bored in my class.
Moreover , there are in-lesson breaks that break the monotony of the lesson to ensure that the lessons are energetic and lively as I had put across.
I have taught French in person in 2 private schools and have done home tutoring for a year although right now I'm only dealing with oonline tutoring.
It would be a great honour to work with interested students.

I basically major on online classes because I'm currently not in a position to do home tutoring.
All the students that I have taught have passed their exams .I also work to ensure that both my goals and those of my students are achieved.
I provide online revision materials as well to the students so that they have enough reading materials that will enable them progress well in their studies.
I am kind and easy to work with as well as professional when it comes to work.
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Journalism and mass communication
Baccalauréat (en cours)
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