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Ville Nice
Cours particuliers de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
verified Données vérifiées time 2 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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any students from any backgrounds possible I am not here to please my sts. I am here to AMAZE THEM!

Description des cours
 2014 Teaching Knowledge Test 1 & 2 in Liverpool by Cambridge University [England]
 2014 Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects. (University of California San Diego -USA)
 University of California San Diego – [USA]
 2009 Grafton College (CAE) [Dublin-Ireland]
 2008 Obtained Degree in English language (Language Degree course)- Methodist University. [Brazil]
Jonathan en quelques mots
I strongly believe in the power that knowledge brings, and that is why I wish to be granted this incredible opportunity. I believe that it will allow me to explore and expand my intellectual horizons and improve my interaction with the world, while allowing me to meet new people and learn from my mentors and co-fellows alike. It will also allow me to strive harder and focus entirely on the academ...
I strongly believe in the power that knowledge brings, and that is why I wish to be granted this incredible opportunity. I believe that it will allow me to explore and expand my intellectual horizons and improve my interaction with the world, while allowing me to meet new people and learn from my mentors and co-fellows alike. It will also allow me to strive harder and focus entirely on the academic challenges, without having to worry about making ends meet.
This school will allow me to nurture my abilities, unleashing the best in myself, and those around me. I wish to acquire this school in order to become an integral unit of a learned and growth-oriented environment. This will enable me to perform at the highest level, by removing the barriers to my continued education.
I believe that life is too short to wait for things to happen. Fortune favors the bold. Change and improvement occur through positive action and undying effort. My fortitude, resolve, and passion for education drive me to excel. Financial constraints are the current barrier to my quest for knowledge and personal development. Without that barrier, I am virtually without limit.
I plan to excel academically during my time at the university, but I also wish to make friends and get to know people from various walks of life. It is my desire to understand the life experiences of others, and to learn from them. As a teacher, I learn from my students constantly through simple and profound experiences.
My vision is a better country, and a better WORLD, through the empowerment of your future leaders. Through the knowledge and experience gained at Methodist Centre (Centro Metodista-IPA) , I aim to shape the bright young minds of my students, allowing them to reach their full potential. Learning is a continuous and endless process and my current knowledge is not adequate to provide my students with the necessary tools to face a harsh and competitive world. I need to learn more so that I can make a difference. I wish to contribute to the evolution of WORLD, as likeminded people collaborate, working towards a better future together. This SCHOOL will certainly enlist me with the necessary tools to achieve my goals and make a greater positive impact on the world around me.

As a 40-year-old teacher, and only son to a single mother, from an underprivileged background. My mother instilled the values of education and positive action in me, throughout my youth. I believe that the quest for knowledge is endless and wonderful. I take great pride and pleasure in teaching several children and learning from my interactions with them. There is so much still wish to learn, from my students and from the experienced and individuals I hope to come across during my time in your school.
I understand that individuals have different life goals and desires, and that many individuals will be applying to this school in order to improve their own lives. My goal is to pay it forward and make a lot of lives brighter and better. As a teacher, I come across students from poverty-stricken backgrounds and they often seem to be thoroughly misled and discouraged. Their substandard living conditions and lack of future prospects drive and inspire me to be better.
Awareness is a key component of education. As I learn about the politics and challenges faced by the upper and middle classes, I offer a glimpse of the other half of the population. This has the potential to enable a culture of gratitude and modesty to develop within our educational system and allow the privileged to appreciate what they have.
I also hope that they will understand that life can be made more meaningful, with a focus on lives other than your own, contributing to a better tomorrow. Every great university seeks student diversity, with a variety of experiences. I believe that I offer a unique perspective, and could help make your educational haven more diverse, allowing people to share a larger variety of experiences. It is essential for academics to be aware of the needs, desires, and daily experiences of both the privileged and the underprivileged. The real spirit of education is in the shared experiences of scholars and educators, and the lives they touch. If we continue to be oblivious to the needs of our youth, we will not recognize problems, or create a better future.
I want to be the representative of these young and beautiful minds, who may not currently possess the means and resources to exhibit their true colors. I wish to guide them to explore their full potential, to remove restrictions and overcome obstacles, and to help them achieve their goals. I strongly believe that I can inspire many people like me to join this mission once I become a fellow and interact with them. I will make your university a place where dreams are turned into reality.
Education, empowerment, and the process of learning give my life meaning. A SCHOOL with a prestigious institution such as yours offers a learning experience like no other. A degree is not a requirement to being able to make a change in the world. Ultimately, it is about how you channel your energy and utilize it to remodel society and the world around you. With that said, this SCHOOL would be life changing, providing the tools for me to develop and achieve my goal of reducing the effects of poverty, corruption, illiteracy, inappropriate allocation of resources, deception and lack of compassion. This positive change will continue to grow through the actions of those who are empowered through my efforts, fostering a culture of constant improvement, leading to a better world.
The most fitting mode of arriving at this destination is broadening the horizons of our thoughts and diverting our complete attention to the future of our nation; our youth. I am extremely proud to outline the fact that my current and past students are equally as impassioned by this desire to enact positive change. Their vehemence and ardency in this respect is boundless and I want to be a better mentor to these brave minds.
This SCHOOL will provide the knowledge necessary for me to understand how to enact change in society. It will enable me to pay it forward, and to guide people around me through the life’s complexities and challenges. Changing the status quo is a daunting task, faced with several obstacles and hurdles. Knowledge is the key to overcoming these obstacles.
This SCHOOL will also grant the opportunity to meet various people who can guide me on many levels, and allow me to expand my knowledge beyond my current constraints. The life experience this school offers is invaluable. It will open channels for me to create a safe haven for the oppressed and implore others for aid. I will use my new strengths and education to raise my voice and be heard by everyone around me, especially those who choose to ignore the problems present in our society. Through improved awareness, establishing a culture of change, and empowering young people, I see a better world
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