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Cours particuliers de FLE - Français langue étrangère Professeur(e) vérifié(e) Professeur(e) vérifié(e)
3 avis
verified Données vérifiées time 2 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
Les élèves de Amelie donnent leur avis : Les élèves de Amelie donnent leur avis :
Thanks to Amelie, I learnt French culture much faster and easier. She is a very attentive and flexible teacher who adapts to your learning style and needs. I would highly recommend Amelie, no matter...
Thanks to Amelie, I learnt French culture much faster and easier. She is a very attentive and flexible teacher who adap...
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Apprenez le Français avec Facilité: Cours de FLE Accessibles et Efficaces, avec des méthodes modernes!

Description des cours
Chères étudiantes, chers étudiants,

Forte d’une expérience de plus de 10 ans dans l’enseignement du français, notamment en Russie et au Canada(cours en ligne dans un institut de langues), je suis disponible pour des étudiant(e)s motivé(e)s, souhaitant améliorer leur niveau de langue dans un environnement à la fois stimulant et bienveillant.

De formation à la fois en langues, littératures et économie, et après de nombreuses expériences dans l'enseignement, j’ai également à cœur de transmettre aux étudiants le goût de la langue française et je sais enseigner tout en gardant un aspect ludique afin d’encourager les apprenants à apprendre.

Je propose une approche variée en intégrant la grammaire, les textes, les vidéos et les chansons. L'enseignement de la grammaire de manière interactive, en utilisant des exemples concrets et des exercices pratiques. Ensuite, nous incorporons des textes authentiques pour améliorer la compréhension écrite et orale des apprenants. Les vidéos et les chansons sont également d'excellents outils pour renforcer la compréhension orale et la prononciation.

Toutes ces années passées dans cette activité m’ont permis d’acquérir des compétences certaines, mais aussi de développer mes capacités d’adaptation à des milieux et des cultures divers et variés.

À bientôt

Amelie en quelques mots

I am Amelie - enthusiastic, responsible and attentive teacher. My greatest reward is to see my students’ progress, overcome difficulties and flourish throughout the learning process.

Trained in languages, literature and economics ( University of Paris VIII and Sorbonne University ) , and after many experiences ( more than 10 years) in teaching French as a Second Language to adults...

I am Amelie - enthusiastic, responsible and attentive teacher. My greatest reward is to see my students’ progress, overcome difficulties and flourish throughout the learning process.

Trained in languages, literature and economics ( University of Paris VIII and Sorbonne University ) , and after many experiences ( more than 10 years) in teaching French as a Second Language to adults, working professionals, government and crown corporation employees ( Canadian language Institute ) in order to develop their grasp and mastery of the language and advance their careers, particularly in France, Canada and Russia.

During the lesson, a student is developing four competences at the same time as the working hour is divided into four parties : listening ( dialogues in audio/video format ) , reading (different texts types ) , writing (presentations, short summaries and essays, grammar exercices) , Speaking (discussing various topics ) . In general, each lesson is planned according to need of the student and his preferences.

I've worked with students from various backgrounds and skill levels, adapting my teaching methods to best suit individual learners. I stay updated with the latest trends and technologies to ensure that the content is relevant and current. The goal is to create a safe and encouraging space for students to explore, make mistakes, and learn. During the sessions, Students are encouraged to explore beyond the syllabus, ask questions, and pursue their interests within the subject. And also, regular feedback is provided to help students identify strengths and areas for improvement.

3 avis d'élèves et ex-élèves de Amelie
Marie et 2 autres personnes ont recommandé Amelie
Thanks to Amelie, I learnt French culture much faster and easier. She is a very attentive and flexible teacher who adapts to your learning style and needs. I would highly recommend Amelie, no matter what level you are at - avid beginner or fluent native speaker. She is also a lovely person to talk to about anything. Amelie is a real gem!
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I love Amelie’s friendly vibe and her professionalism. She has a methodology and we learn by it, but at the same time we can chat and discuss some recent events which improves my speaking French. Also I'm a working adult with a floating schedule. And it was important for me to have an opportunity to move lessons or to make a homework with the teacher if I haven’t had a chance to prepare it beforehand. Without feeling guilty:)
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Natalia Bologova
I realized that Amelie is my type of teacher from the first lesson. Being very precise and accurate, she’s never pushy. Always ready to listen to the needs of a student and to adapt the work accordingly. I really like her way to organize work during the lessons, which are never boring and always very variative. On top, Amelie is a very good communicator and a great personality to deal with.
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Professeur(e) vérifié(e)
Professeur(e) vérifié(e) Amelie fait partie de notre programme de confiance
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Foreign Languages Applied into International Trade
Anglais Russe Français
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