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Ville Paris, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Malakoff, Vanves
Cours particuliers de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
verified Données vérifiées time 3 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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English Language/Literature Acquisition Teacher

Description des cours
I am interested in the English Language teaching opportunity you present because I am seeking additional courses to teach for the fall 2022 school year. Currently, I am an English Language Instructor, currently employed at EFREI Paris, responsible for introducing, modeling, and delivering a variety of courses to graduate and undergraduate students.

During the pandemic, I have delivered my instruction flexibly – both live and online – with an equally dynamic and engaging mix of teaching methods including Direct Instruction, Flipped Classroom, Differentiated Instruction, Inquiry-based Learning, and Personalized Learning. I have also mentored and facilitated Business English instruction for high level executives to advance language proficiency in the workplace for French MNC’s on behalf of Learnlight (OIF, Total, RATP, Pompidou Centre); CERAN (Mercedes); Oxbridge; and Wall Street English.

Prior to this current position, I taught grades 6-9 at ICS Paris (formerly Victor International Hugo School) where I designed and implemented curriculum for a newly established MYP program.

I have acted as an Adjunct Instructor over the course of 15 years, guest-lecturing around the world at academic institutions about intercultural communication including CIEE Global Institute (Paris), CETYS Universidad (Mexico), EDHEC Graduate School of Management (France) and CUNY Baruch College Zicklin School of Business (New York) facilitating groups with role playing and game-based learning.

My professional background in New York was a powerful combination of international communication and public relations. As such, was, and continue to coach, train, and facilitate conversations around culture’s consequences for SHRM New York, Global Business HR, Duty of Care, SIETAR Europa Congress.

My native tongue is English, and I also speak basic French (B1), some Greek and Italian. I have a B.A. in English Literature/Minor in Medieval French Feminist Poetry with graduate work in Applied Business Anthropology. I possess Dual Italian/American citizenship to legally work anywhere in the EU, and I currently reside in Paris.
Lisa en quelques mots
Teaching Statement for English Language Aquisition

My teaching philosophy is to be interactive, supportive, highly adaptable, and results driven. It is a hybrid method that encourages students to have a voice in the classroom, ask questions, and participate actively and confidently. I would also describe the way I teach as coaching rather than lecturing which enables students to develop critical...
Teaching Statement for English Language Aquisition

My teaching philosophy is to be interactive, supportive, highly adaptable, and results driven. It is a hybrid method that encourages students to have a voice in the classroom, ask questions, and participate actively and confidently. I would also describe the way I teach as coaching rather than lecturing which enables students to develop critical thinking and creativity. I do not favor one teaching method because each class is different. Despite this open style, I develop a clear plan for the entire year with regular milestones and tests to evaluate student progress, adjusting my teaching methods around the classroom dynamics.

I believe in building a rapport with students by learning what makes a student tick; this enables me to build a nuanced, student-teacher rapport. Discovering what they care about, what motivates them, and how they can apply their own experience to an assignment or discussion topic, enables me to engage students to excel in ways they could never have imagined.

Teaching during the pandemic presented a whole range of challenges. Whether it was learning how to engage and teach effectively online, modifying pre-planned course material, or adapting an in-class assignment to a virtual experience. Students who were inspired, became less-so as the year wore on. One of the ways I motivated students who seemed to lose interest was to give them agency; to learn by teaching, themselves. For example, I’d assign meaningful and relevant activities that were driven by their interests. I would help them create and deliver their perspective on a topic, such as a chapter from Strunk and White “The Elements of Style”; something self-initiated with appropriate guidance from me. It gave them a voice and they felt empowered about what they were learning and improved learning engagement.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I have over fifteen years’ experience as an intercultural adaptation facilitator, which would serve me well in any international school context. I can anticipate subtle questions and concerns that students may have and implement better processes for solving learning problems through intercultural awareness. I feel this aspect of my background is an asset and something that sets me apart from other candidates.

Anglais Italien
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