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Cours particuliers de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
verified Données vérifiées time 5 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Online English Teacher - General English, Syntax, Test preparation, specialised English (Medical, Automobile Industry, Law)

Description des cours
My profession is English Teaching; therefore I am familiar with different factors influencing the process of English Second Language Acquirement. The approach of English Teaching depends on many affective variables such as the Age of the student, Attitude, Aptitude, and Anxiety. I believe that every method and approach depends on the characteristics of the student. Furthermore, I am familiar with different methods and approaches like Total physical response, Content-based instruction, Task-based instruction, Community Language Learning, etc. Concerning my teaching philosophy, I believe that the most important is Stephen Krashen's approach of providing comprehensible input and introducing new units. My duty, as a professional English Teacher, is to adjust my methods according to the needs of my student
Josipovic en quelques mots
Hello, my name is Maya and I'm a professor of English language and Literature with over 5 years of teaching experience. When it comes to my teaching philosophy, I believe that the process of English language teaching should be natural and fun for my students. For optimal performance, conversation in the English language should be combined with a variety of interesting materials. One part of my cl...
Hello, my name is Maya and I'm a professor of English language and Literature with over 5 years of teaching experience. When it comes to my teaching philosophy, I believe that the process of English language teaching should be natural and fun for my students. For optimal performance, conversation in the English language should be combined with a variety of interesting materials. One part of my class is always dedicated to a basic conversation on various topics according to your choice. In that way, we practice real-life communication and at the end of the conversation I can correct oral mistakes. Afterwards, I usually offer my students to choose some topic from the book as I believe that mixing conversation, classic materials, and native interactive materials is beneficial for all aspects of foreign language learning. When it comes to Grammar, exercises can help to improve knowledge, so that the usage of correct grammar patterns can become automatic. However, Grammar learning should be taught in a simple and clear way, completely stress-free. When it comes to me, I love meeting new people and talking about different topics. Eventually, I'm looking forward to our classes and sending you kind regards.
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
English Language and Literature
Master 1
Formation et qualifications
Master 2 (en cours)
Allemand Espagnol Bosniaque
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