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Cours particuliers de Anglais
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Professeur anglais Creative English workshop

Description des cours
Professeur propose un enseignement qui contraste avec l’académisme classique de l’anglais.

Un atelier type se compose d’une leçon suivie d’exercices et d’une lecture à haute voix. Le cours s’appuie autant sur la structure de la langue, extraits de pièces de théâtre, de « role playing », que sur le décryptage de la presse étrangère, l’analyse audiovisuelle (films, sitcoms, entretiens) et l’étude de paroles de chansons.

Michaël Midoun attache autant d’importance à l’expression individuelle qu’au travail collectif.

Grâce à une approche de la langue axée sur « l’élève acteur », vous sortirez très vite du rôle de « l’élève auditeur ». Vous gagnerez rapidement en confiance et apprendrez à préparer un argumentaire dans votre propre style.
Michael en quelques mots
Over 11 years of experience as a Teacher in various Cultural Centers, notably Espace Sorano in Vincennes, le Claje in Paris and IFAC also in Paris, Maison Pour Tous in Chevilly-la-Rue. Former US resident I moved to Los Angeles in the late seventies and began a scholarship. Having won an award in college Outstanding student in English literature, I set out to produce, direct a detective story set...
Over 11 years of experience as a Teacher in various Cultural Centers, notably Espace Sorano in Vincennes, le Claje in Paris and IFAC also in Paris, Maison Pour Tous in Chevilly-la-Rue. Former US resident I moved to Los Angeles in the late seventies and began a scholarship. Having won an award in college Outstanding student in English literature, I set out to produce, direct a detective story set in San Diego. Moved later to Montreal and worked as a Film researcher and as a filmmaker for a TV weekly show titled CENT TITRES. Interviews with various writers both international and local; Published a short story in a short stories’ magazine in 1993. Moved to France and began working in UN LIVRE UN JOUR, more than 100 shows which have me travelling the world and exploring different facets of the business of publishing and concentrating on how to illustrate in two minutes’ time, a writer’s core theme. Worked for the last season of TF1 A LIVRE OUVERT sponsored by France Loisirs. I had many opportunities through teaching to address students with the world’s best writers, including a memorable live Skype interview with Patrick Modiano’s translator, Mark Polizzotti from New York a year before winning the Nobel. Ishiguro, Alice Munro, Laferrière, Atwood, Auster, Laurie Colwin, Emma Donoghue, and many others have graced the students' notebooks completely and followed discussions and debates. Lover of literature and visual aesthetics, I teach English through its cultural aspects like the lyrics of Bernie Taupin or Dylan’s Blood on the tracks, Lillian Hellman’s A difficult woman as well as so-called traditional English in which one delves into rhetoric of new grammar and contemporary American English. I’ve set up programs for kids and teens to express freely in another language, short plays that I penned myself.
A clear sense of objective, respect for deadlines and budgets- Highly adaptable to multi-cultural settings- Talent for project management in complex international environments- Creative mind, lateral thinker.
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