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1 avis
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Ville Paris
Cours particuliers de Anglais
1 avis
verified Données vérifiées time 5 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur Taux de réponse <strong>100%</strong> Taux de réponse 100%
Les élèves de Basma donnent leur avis : Les élèves de Basma donnent leur avis :
Basma is very flexible, patient and professional. In a couple weeks, I was already able to learn how grammar works in french as well as the pronunciation of many words and expressions. I recommen...
Basma is very flexible, patient and professional. In a couple weeks, I was already able to learn how grammar works in f...
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Professeur Anglais tous les niveaux

Description des cours
Etudiant en école de commerce en section anglophone ( tous mes cours sont en anglais) du programme BBA à l'Essec. J'ai beaucoup d'affinités avec la langue et saurai vous la faire apprendre avec légèreté.
Basma en quelques mots
My classes usually start with identifying the goals for the session and its role in the overall progress of the student. Then, I will go over the main concepts and their applications and examples. Then I give the student some time to do a similar exercise before correcting it together.
This format is usually very efficient as the students can exercise in class and correct their mistakes instantl...
My classes usually start with identifying the goals for the session and its role in the overall progress of the student. Then, I will go over the main concepts and their applications and examples. Then I give the student some time to do a similar exercise before correcting it together.
This format is usually very efficient as the students can exercise in class and correct their mistakes instantly and remember the main points mentioned. They also train their memory as they have to exercise without looking at the course content.
If the student has an exam, we can focus on revising for the skills required to pass the examination.

As for me, I have experience teaching students of different ages and have no issue adapting to their level and their topics of interest.
1 avis d'élèves et ex-élèves de Basma
Jackie Baron
Basma is very flexible, patient and professional. In a couple weeks, I was already able to learn how grammar works in french as well as the pronunciation of many words and expressions. I recommend her a lot, she really kept me motivated to learn and checked in with me whenever I needed.
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Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Baccalauréat scientifique OIB mention Très bien
Formation et qualifications
BBA à l'Essec
Licence (en cours)
Anglais Arabe Chinois Français Allemand
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