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Ville Paris
Cours particuliers de Peinture
verified Données vérifiées time 3 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
Premier cours offert
15 € Supplément de déplacement
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Fundamentals of Oil Painting/Les bases de la peinture a l'huile Beginner to Advanced - Taught in English or French

Description des cours
"You learn to paint by painting" The course addresses underpainting techniques, value and color, light, shade and shadow, tonal organization, etc. In addition, instruction will be given in palette organization, mixing colors, choosing the right brushes. Through a series of projects, students will become familiar with creating an underpainting. They will begin to learn how setting up the painting in this way allows the artist to freely adjust the drawing and composition, whilst rapidly establishing tonality, form and temperature in the initial stages. The student willthen begin to introduce color though a range of glazes and direct painting techniques, witnessing how the underpainting assists the process and energizes the final painting.
If you have a project you are struggling with or don't know where to start, with Adie's assistance you will get to your goal

Technique classique par excellence.
Que vous soyez debutant ou confirme, ce cours propose les differentes etapes dans l'elaboration d'une peinture a l'huile
- transfert du dessin sur la toile
- Etapes par etapes afin de reussir "La Grisaille" underpainting qui est la base d'une peinture reussie,
- application/superpositions des couleurs : Glacis, semi-opaques, opaques etc..
Ce cours offre la possibilite d'atteindre votre but sur un projet en cours de realisation.
Adie en quelques mots
"After graduating from the New York Academy of Art, I have been teaching and painting for a living.
I have specialized in portraits, still life, landscapes, nudes, completing commissions for clients across America as well as in Europe and the U.A.E. And having animals throughout my life, one of my latest artistic pursuits I have picked up is painting pets."

"You learn to paint by painting" The...
"After graduating from the New York Academy of Art, I have been teaching and painting for a living.
I have specialized in portraits, still life, landscapes, nudes, completing commissions for clients across America as well as in Europe and the U.A.E. And having animals throughout my life, one of my latest artistic pursuits I have picked up is painting pets."

"You learn to paint by painting" The course addresses underpainting techniques, value and color, light, shade and shadow, tonal organization, etc. In addition, instruction will be given in palette organization, mixing colors, choosing the right brushes. Through a series of projects, students will become familiar with creating an underpainting. They will begin to learn how setting up the painting in this way allows the artist to freely adjust the drawing and composition, whilst rapidly establishing tonality, form and temperature in the initial stages. The student willthen begin to introduce color though a range of glazes and direct painting techniques, witnessing how the underpainting assists the process and energizes the final painting.
If you have a project you are struggling with or don't know where to start, with Adie's assistance you will get to your goal

Technique classique par excellence.
Que vous soyez débutant ou confirme, ce cours propose les differentes étapes dans l'élaboration d'une peinture a l'huile
- transfert du dessin sur la toile
- Etapes par étapes afin de réussir "La Grisaille" underpainting qui est la base d'une peinture réussie,
- application/superpositions des couleurs : Glacis, semi-opaques, opaques etc..
Ce cours offre la possibilité d'atteindre votre but sur un projet en cours de réalisation.

Le cours dure 3 heures / L atelier se situe a Paris
95 euros le cours de 3 heures
Je propose également des Forfaits

3 - Hour Session 95 euros
The studio is located in Paris
I propose packages.

Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
M.F.A New York Academy of Art
Master 1
Français Anglais
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