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verified Données vérifiées time plus de 5 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
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American, English professor. I have worked in various schools in Europe as well as brazil

Description des cours
I enjoy being able to be well rounded. I love being around people, always have and always will. All I want in life is to be happy, and if you can be happy at your job, then you never work a day in your life. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a teacher. I was always the kid on the playground who would be teaching random (often totally false) “facts” to my peers. I am a guy who will do whatever it takes to survive, and am very capable of adapting and overcoming. I have had various jobs in my life, but all of them are very important in growing me into the man I am today. The single thing I can say that has completely changed my life, was my decision to begin a career playing (American) football overseas. After 6 months of living in ES, Brazil, my opinions of the world were totally changed, and my horizons totally broadened. Since then, I spent 4 months living in Serbia, then another year in between Portugal and Brazil, and finally another 7 months living in Slovakia. It is not playing the game that has changed my life, but rather, getting to interact with people from different lifestyles and customs. For me the most important part has been able to learn languages and teaching my own. Being the native English speaker on my various teams I am always asked various questions about grammar or verb usage. It has been my favorite part because it reaffirms my love for teaching, and is something I am very good at.
Michael en quelques mots
enjoy being able to be well rounded. I love being around people, always have and always will. All I want in life is to be happy, and if you can be happy at your job, then you never work a day in your life. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a teacher. I was always the kid on the playground who would be teaching random (often totally false) “facts” to my peers. I am a guy w...
enjoy being able to be well rounded. I love being around people, always have and always will. All I want in life is to be happy, and if you can be happy at your job, then you never work a day in your life. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a teacher. I was always the kid on the playground who would be teaching random (often totally false) “facts” to my peers. I am a guy who will do whatever it takes to survive, and am very capable of adapting and overcoming. I have had various jobs in my life, but all of them are very important in growing me into the man I am today. The single thing I can say that has completely changed my life, was my decision to begin a career playing (American) football overseas. After 6 months of living in ES, Brazil, my opinions of the world were totally changed, and my horizons totally broadened. Since then, I spent 4 months living in Serbia, then another year in between Portugal and Brazil, and finally another 7 months living in Slovakia. It is not playing the game that has changed my life, but rather, getting to interact with people from different lifestyles and customs. For me the most important part has been able to learn languages and teaching my own. Being the native English speaker on my various teams I am always asked various questions about grammar or verb usage. It has been my favorite part because it reaffirms my love for teaching, and is something I am very good at.
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