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Sananth Kumar
1er cours offert
Premier cours offert
Sananth Kumar
Ville Rennes-le-Château, Cesson-Sévigné, Rennes, Saint-Grégoire (Ille-et-Vilaine), Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande
Cours particuliers de CPE Certificate Proficiency in English
verified Données vérifiées time 2 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
Premier cours offert
Villes où se
déroulent les cours
Saint-Grégoire (Ille-et-Vilaine)
Niveaux des cours
Niveaux des cours
Maternelle et préscolaire
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I can teach English Language, Basics of computers, MS Office, Painting, Sketching, Drawing, Crafts etc to Childrens

Description des cours
I have Good English Language Knowledge because my courses, studies and education from my pre primary to my Masters level where all in English. I can handle the language in full proficiency level.
I can take lessons, write stories, poems with drawing characters that can impress children.
I am a good painter I have awarded for best painter, Drawer, crafts etc.
I can make the sessions given for me more interesting and make the children enjoy more better.
Sananth Kumar en quelques mots
Hi Dears,

It is with great pleasure that I can be a part of those interested students who loves to learn English Language and some Drawing, Sketching, Painting, and doing Crafts with me.
More than a Teacher I can be your Constant Companion and better friend and a motivator who helps you to solve your puzzles and make you a great in this competitive world.
We all loves to do different things and...
Hi Dears,

It is with great pleasure that I can be a part of those interested students who loves to learn English Language and some Drawing, Sketching, Painting, and doing Crafts with me.
More than a Teacher I can be your Constant Companion and better friend and a motivator who helps you to solve your puzzles and make you a great in this competitive world.
We all loves to do different things and always wish to stand unique from others. Yes, then join me, I will take you to a different world where we can have fun by learning new magics through English stories, comics, and by preparing sketches, drawing, painting etc.

Its not like a School or College Courses..
- Courses will be planned according to students capability and understanding level.
- Methodology of the course modules will be explained to the students once they are in the game.
- There is nothing to worry about Exams and assessments.

The main motive and idea behind the session is to hide the students fear regarding the speaking and writing of English language and to make them more power packed to use the English language as a weapon to score more in there schools and colleges to have a good grade in subjects.
I will find, what is lagging in my student so i can fix it and make him/her a better competitor in front of the world.

Your Constant Companion
Sananth Kumar Sathyan

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