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May Hnin Thiri Moe
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May Hnin Thiri Moe
Ville Rennes
Cours particuliers de Anglais
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English teacher for high school and college student and adults

Description des cours
**English Teacher for High School, College Students and Adults** Découvrez l'apprentissage de l'anglais avec May Hnin Thiri Moe ! Offrant des leçons privées adaptées aux collégiens et lycéens, je propose un accompagnement personnalisé pour renforcer vos compétences en langue, améliorer votre confiance et exceller académiquement. Contactez-moi pour un avenir prometteur! Thorough my time as an English teacher for exam practices such as IELTS and Duolingo and general English training, my classes will cover both 4 skills in English plus how to get the right approach for the exam!
May Hnin Thiri Moe en quelques mots
During the last three years, I'd met different students with various English level. I am an IELTS instructor who helps you get the best score possible in the exam. Moreover, for general English, I am here to bring out the hidden English inside of you. So don't hesitate and nervous. I'm very patient and ready to support you with the best English journey for you.
During the last three years, I'd met different students with various English level. I am an IELTS instructor who helps you get the best score possible in the exam. Moreover, for general English, I am here to bring out the hidden English inside of you. So don't hesitate and nervous. I'm very patient and ready to support you with the best English journey for you.
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