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Ville Rouen
Cours particuliers de Anglais
verified Données vérifiées time plus de 5 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
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Professesor toute le niveau native anglais

Description des cours
I am a person who loves to be in contact with people especially children,i have experience in teaching i attended a teacher training college in my country..knows the different method of teaching (play -way method,discussion method,and lecture method) i hold a degree in my country here in france i have been searching for an opportunity to practice my skills..i will be in graceful if given an opportunity to prove myself thanks....
Amadin en quelques mots
Hello my future pupils&student it will be a great joy for me to be your home you a pupils from 1-5 year old will start from the begining (knowing your alphabet,numbers,color,names of animals spellings parts of the body, etc)i will teach you either by play -way method or discussion method because you are still very young... for my future student age 6-15 will start from the begining also knowin...
Hello my future pupils&student it will be a great joy for me to be your home you a pupils from 1-5 year old will start from the begining (knowing your alphabet,numbers,color,names of animals spellings parts of the body, etc)i will teach you either by play -way method or discussion method because you are still very young... for my future student age 6-15 will start from the begining also knowing the vowels sounds,alphabet,spellingparts of speech such as the noun,pronoun ,verb and the others And also learn about masculine and femine terms ,singular and plurals,words and opposite,composing of sentence letter writting and so many others i will teach you by discussion and lecture to worry my dear ones i totally understand you are new to english i dealt with situation worst than this,i am patientce to the call calm and very attentive to all your complains......Hoping to see you all
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