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1er cours offert
Premier cours offert
Ville Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Achères (Yvelines), Carrières-sous-Poissy, Chambourcy, Le Mesnil-le-Roi, Le Pecq, Maisons-Laffitte, Poissy
Cours particuliers de Français
verified Données vérifiées time 3 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
Premier cours offert
Villes où se
déroulent les cours
Le Pecq
Le Mesnil-le-Roi
Achères (Yvelines)
Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
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French lessons for english speaking beginner students

Description des cours
I am a 26 years old teacher, I've been teaching in elementary school since 2020.
I offer practical french lessons for beginners. What I mean with practical is : Lessons that will be usefull for you in your everyday life while you're staying in France.

French is a pretty difficult language that can be really tricky to learn if you don't know where to start, and it can be discouraging to learn things in a language that wont be of use right away.

That's why I'm offering to teach you how to use french in your everyday life:
-How to order in a restaurant
-How to ask for direction
-How to describe something or someone that I see.
-How to understand answers to my questions or questions that french people asks in order to not be completely lost whenever it happens, I can't take it anymore, why do they speak to me in french, I just said "bonjour, une crêpe s'il vous plaît", what do they mean with "vous voulez une serviette?", I just wanted a crêpe please...

I will also adapt to your demand, if you feel that you struggle in a certain domain, just ask me and I'll prepare a lesson on that specific subject.

I've been teaching in schools for a couple of years now, I can assure you that I'll be very professional and that everyting will be easy(kinda) and fun to learn, with a lot of practical situations that will be really usefull for you.

Sorry if my english is not perfect as it's not my mother tongue, but I believe it's good enough to help you progress in french.
Rémy en quelques mots
I am a 26 years old teacher, I've been teaching in elementary school since 2020.
I offer practical french lessons for beginners. What I mean with practical is : Lessons that will be usefull for you in your everyday life while you're staying in France.

French is a pretty difficult language that can be really tricky to learn if you don't know where to start, and it can be discouraging to learn...
I am a 26 years old teacher, I've been teaching in elementary school since 2020.
I offer practical french lessons for beginners. What I mean with practical is : Lessons that will be usefull for you in your everyday life while you're staying in France.

French is a pretty difficult language that can be really tricky to learn if you don't know where to start, and it can be discouraging to learn things in a language that wont be of use right away.

That's why I'm offering to teach you how to use french in your everyday life:
-How to order in a restaurant
-How to ask for direction
-How to describe something or someone that I see.
-How to understand answers to my questions or questions that french people asks in order to not be completely lost whenever it happens, I can't take it anymore, why do they speak to me in french, I just said "bonjour, une crêpe s'il vous plaît", what do they mean with "vous voulez une serviette?", I just wanted a crêpe please...

I will also adapt to your demand, if you feel that you struggle in a certain domain, just ask me and I'll prepare a lesson on that specific subject.

I've been teaching in schools for a couple of years now, I can assure you that I'll be very professional and that everyting will be easy(kinda) and fun to learn, with a lot of practical situations that will be really usefull for you.

Sorry if my english is not perfect as it's not my mother tongue, but I believe it's good enough to help you progress in french.
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Métier de L' Éducation, de l'Enseignement et de la Formation
Master 2
Anglais Français
Localisation approximative des cours de Rémy
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