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Ville Saumur
Cours particuliers de Anglais
verified Données vérifiées time 1 année d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Professeur particulier donne des cours de rattrapage en anglais à toute personne souhaitant apprendre

Description des cours
Professeur particulier donne des cours de rattrapage en anglais à toute personne souhaitant apprendre
David en quelques mots
Learning shouldn't be a burden but a pleasure. To help you change your way of seeing things, I will find the best way to make your knowledge grow up. Einstein said that if you trully understand something , you should be able to make anyone understand it no matter what is the subject or how trained are the people you are talking to. That is my perspective, find the best way to help people improve...
Learning shouldn't be a burden but a pleasure. To help you change your way of seeing things, I will find the best way to make your knowledge grow up. Einstein said that if you trully understand something , you should be able to make anyone understand it no matter what is the subject or how trained are the people you are talking to. That is my perspective, find the best way to help people improve their skills. To reach that goal, the main word is adaptability. One way of learning might be good for someone, but it doesnt imply that it will be good for everyone. Motivation is also really important to make progress!!
I first need an interview to understand student needs. Everyone is different and has specific interests and it is important to find out what are those to adapt my teaching to you.
Then I ll prepare a training plan:
- Lessons to help you understand what you want to train and to get all the knowledge necessary to reach your goals.
- Exercices to practice and see the improvements. It's not a big deal to fail on exercices, as long as you listen to correction, understand your mistakes and learn from it.
- Various supports as songs, movies, games, books to have fun while learning. Obviously we don't learn when we are getting bored of something so let's have fun and learn a lot of things !
-Exams to check periodically your progress and evaluate what is still left.

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Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
DE plongée sous-marine
Formation et qualifications
English learning
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Anglais Espagnol Français
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