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Ville Strasbourg
Cours particuliers de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
verified Données vérifiées time 1 année d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
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I will teach English to the students up to class 5. I have an experienced in teaching to the students upto class 8 for 3 years

Description des cours
I don't have a certificate of teaching as I came from Tibet and Nepal. I taught to the monastery students so they doesn't give certificate. But I can assure you that I can teach English well to the students.
Kelsang en quelques mots
Hello, this is bongpa tsang Kelsang and I am 26 years old. I am a Tibetan refugee living in Strasbourg France for almost 2 years. My french is not that good. I am with A2 level. I am still learning it. I have an experience of teaching students for 3 years in English subject. I teach students through playing games like vocabulary games, spelling bee and hangman etc. I also do listening practice,...
Hello, this is bongpa tsang Kelsang and I am 26 years old. I am a Tibetan refugee living in Strasbourg France for almost 2 years. My french is not that good. I am with A2 level. I am still learning it. I have an experience of teaching students for 3 years in English subject. I teach students through playing games like vocabulary games, spelling bee and hangman etc. I also do listening practice, speaking and of course writing and reading. I make student to randomly pick Chits to talk about in the speaking class. But that's all for the senior students. I focus on games and teaching hand to hand for the younger ones. Thank you.
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