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Ville Tanis, Huisnes-sur-Mer, Servon (Manche)
Cours particuliers de Arabe
verified Données vérifiées time 3 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
Premier cours offert
100 € Supplément de déplacement
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Servon (Manche)
Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
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Je suis un anthropologue social and cultural

Description des cours
I went to help people to know the Arabic language and culture I'm a Arabic I went my language be successful and famous I went to create a good student and famous my life in this moment is a bad cause I live in a poor country no future no job no money nothing please I went this job to create my future to make a Arabic language famous and help this people to be successful in their life
Elouej en quelques mots
My way of teaching is easy. I will try in every way to teach them Arabic in easy ways. I will start by teaching them the Arabic letters. First, let's move on to words. Then the most difficult thing is to teach them the old Arabic, which is a bit difficult. Then I try in every way to make them love the language. Our Arabs will certainly succeed because the Arabic language is my mother tongue and...
My way of teaching is easy. I will try in every way to teach them Arabic in easy ways. I will start by teaching them the Arabic letters. First, let's move on to words. Then the most difficult thing is to teach them the old Arabic, which is a bit difficult. Then I try in every way to make them love the language. Our Arabs will certainly succeed because the Arabic language is my mother tongue and I am well-versed in it in a good way that makes me succeed in my endeavors in educating and enlightening them and making them love and cherish our language as we cherish it. Thank you
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