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Ville Toulouse
Cours particuliers de Suédois
verified Données vérifiées time 5 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Professeure native suédoise

Description des cours

Je viens du Stockholm et j'ai enseigné des étudiants plus jeunes que moi en total 3 ans, mais en mathématiques.

Puisque le suédois est ma langue maternelle, je peux vous aider grandement à parler et avec la comprehension.
Margit en quelques mots
My name is Margit and I am a dynamic, positive, smart woman with lots of energy, and my friends would say that I am a really good listener.

I have been both a private tutor and a group instructor before and my native language is Swedish, I am fluent in English and I speak French quite well to. This is since I have lived in France for one and a half years, first one year as Erasmus student in Mar...
My name is Margit and I am a dynamic, positive, smart woman with lots of energy, and my friends would say that I am a really good listener.

I have been both a private tutor and a group instructor before and my native language is Swedish, I am fluent in English and I speak French quite well to. This is since I have lived in France for one and a half years, first one year as Erasmus student in Marseille, and now, I have been living in Toulouse since January.

As for my experience as a tutor, I started in high school as a private tutor in mathematics, Swedish and physics. I had 5 different students during two years, in ages from 8 years to 17 years old and every lesson was two hours long. Then at university I was a group instructor in mathematics. The learning approach called Supplemental Instruction (SI) and I had thorough courses in this type of learning before starting. I lead the group-based exercises two hours per week for two years. After one and a half year, I was also coaching other SI-leaders. During all this time as a tutor and instructor, I have learned how important it is to listen to the students and try to understand them to be able to help in the best way.

My achievements from this time is that I helped a 15-year-old girl who was failing math, to pass all her future math courses. I helped a 17-year-old to get the highest grade in physics, and I got two 8 years old to concentrate more and actually finishing their homework.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
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