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Richard Jenkins
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Premier cours offert
Richard Jenkins
Ville Vair-sur-Loire, Ancenis, La Roche-Blanche (Loire-Atlantique), Loireauxence, Maumusson (Loire-Atlantique), Mésanger, Pouillé-les-Côteaux, Saint-Géréon
Cours particuliers de Anglais
verified Données vérifiées time plus de 10 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
Premier cours offert
Villes où se
déroulent les cours
Maumusson (Loire-Atlantique)
La Roche-Blanche (Loire-Atlantique)
Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
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Cours d anglais tous niveaux, soutien scolaire

Description des cours
30 ans d experience d anglais
Cours pour niveaux jusqau master
Preparation Toiec, Cambridge, TOEFL.
Experience en engineer, cycle licence.
Pedagogie d exception.
Richard Jenkins en quelques mots
Best teacher you ever had.
The fun of learning and the joy of the challenge.
A teacher who is dynamic and dynamite.
Expertise and expertise in many areas.
English face to face or at your company or at your home, or online (Teams/Zoom)
Prepare exams
TOEFL, TOEIC, Cambridge ( up to Advanced).
Prepare professional projects.
Improve skills and employment prospects
English with a native speaker.
Best teacher you ever had.
The fun of learning and the joy of the challenge.
A teacher who is dynamic and dynamite.
Expertise and expertise in many areas.
English face to face or at your company or at your home, or online (Teams/Zoom)
Prepare exams
TOEFL, TOEIC, Cambridge ( up to Advanced).
Prepare professional projects.
Improve skills and employment prospects
English with a native speaker.
Analysis of needs, level, progress.
Courses can be individual or in small groups, depending on needs.
Love,laugh,learn and live English.
Projects designed for objectives and budgets
All you need to to do is DARE!
Invest in yourself and learning all through your professional or personal life.
Vocabulary, games, activities, songs, texts and listening activities designed for you.
30 years of experience, a highly qualified teacher with experience in companies and in higher and further education.
Progress guaranteed when you follow the guidelines set .
Experience with blue chip companies and small companies, workers, managers and directors, come with a smile !
Shine bright like a diamond with confidence in your English.
A typical course starts with an assessment of your level and needs and then a meeting to design the activities and areas you want to look at. Active correction and an emphasis on the opportunity to improve.
The joy of learning and improving.
Relaxation exercises and confidence building.
Listening, reading, writing and speaking in an interactive lessons.
Don't expect to learn English in a short time, it's a long term process for successful outcomes.
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Master 2
Localisation approximative des cours de Richard Jenkins
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