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Ville Villemoustaussou, Villegailhenc
Cours particuliers de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
verified Données vérifiées time 5 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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5 € Supplément de déplacement
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Maternelle et préscolaire
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Native English teacher at all levels

Description des cours
I have been a teacher for over 6 years and working with children for 20 years in the UK. I have a bachelor's degree and TEFL diploma. I can offer English tuition in the 4 skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Vanessa en quelques mots
I wish to offer my services of teaching English as a second language. I have 20 years’ experience in the UK education sector, teaching children from 3 to 16 years and have a Bachelor’s degree, Montessori training and TEFL qualifications.

Since August 2020, I have realised my dream of living in France and I would love to be able to continue teaching here and work with children and families to sh...
I wish to offer my services of teaching English as a second language. I have 20 years’ experience in the UK education sector, teaching children from 3 to 16 years and have a Bachelor’s degree, Montessori training and TEFL qualifications.

Since August 2020, I have realised my dream of living in France and I would love to be able to continue teaching here and work with children and families to share my love of learning. Whether teaching individuals, classes or corporate groups, I can design a syllabus to cater for your English language requirements.

My teaching career began in primary school as an assistant where I worked with small groups of children to improve their English and maths. I believe in learning through discovery and planned engaging and interesting lessons (as memories are best formed through fun activities) that enabled them to access the learning through play.

As a science teacher in secondary school, I catered for all learning styles and turned lessons into fun activities (such as learning about graphs and concentration gradients with bubble fun!), and brought kinaesthetic practice into the classroom to help students grasp difficult strategies such as balancing chemical equations.

With an array of experience at my back, I have now completed a level 5 TEFL diploma to bring my teaching skills to France. I teach English as a second language using a variety of media including news, TV, radio and videos and relate all lessons to real life. I mix learning styles in every lesson to include visual, auditory and kinaesthetic activities and sessions are interactive, conversational and inspiring.

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