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Ville Villeparisis, Coubron, Courtry, Le Pin (Seine-et-Marne), Mitry-Mory, Tremblay-en-France, Vaujours, Villevaudé
Cours particuliers de IELTS
verified Données vérifiées time 1 année d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Le Pin (Seine-et-Marne)
Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
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I am an international student from Nepal currently studying BBA in college de Paris. I am good in English, willing to teach minors

Description des cours
In Nepal, I had taught the students after finishing my high school. I have an experience and as a international student this is my chance to teach the students. I am familiar with students behavior and can be their good friend and tutor. I can enhance their knowledge in a friendly environment. I am talking through my experiences, not everyone can mentor and tolerate the children behavior. It need patience and a friendly environment to know them, to win their heart. I feel like I am the one who knows this atmosphere. This much! Hope I will get an opportunity from the parents.
Ranjana en quelques mots
Education is mandatory to all the kids outside there. All the students needs education to write, speak and to understand the things and concept of books . So, here I am to teach you the courses related to text book. I will use your books as a content. Except from the text book, I will provide all the knowledge that I acquire and to your limit. A friendly environment for you my dear students. In...
Education is mandatory to all the kids outside there. All the students needs education to write, speak and to understand the things and concept of books . So, here I am to teach you the courses related to text book. I will use your books as a content. Except from the text book, I will provide all the knowledge that I acquire and to your limit. A friendly environment for you my dear students. In this digital age, you find everything in internet but there is a difference in learning from online and face-to-face. Every parents knows this importance of education. All the children are different. Some needs additional time and some are quick. So, there should be always a special treatment to every kids to know their mind. There should be a person to look after them. Only course book is not education, day to day life lessons is also a education. Until the life goes on every individual is learning from their life. So, In order to create a great ladies and gentlemen a kid needs to be taught the gratitude, respect , affection and love to the children and this is also an education. There are many forms of education. Manners and discipline is also one of them. I know it is hard to handle the kids but it's not difficult as well. Knowing them is enough.
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