Verónica Londoño Nariño est Professeur(e) Vérifié(e), ce qui vous garantit une expérience d'apprentissage exceptionnelle :
Nous vérifions et validons ses informations
Avec une note moyenne de 4,5 ou plus donnée par les élèves
Répond rapidement : en moins de 24 heures !
Niveau du cours
Langues parlées
Formation et certifications
: Español como Segunda Lengua: Filología Hispánica: Evaluadora de DELE B1-B2: Evaluadora de DELE C1-C2: Prepadora SIELE
Localisation de mes cours
Profil de Verónica Londoño Nariño
Sur moi
Mes cours
Sur moi
¡Hola! I’m Verónica, a passionate Hispanic Philologist with a master’s in Spanish for foreigners. I’m here to make your Spanish learning experience not only effective but also fun and exciting.
With a strong academic background and a deep love for language, I guide students through more than just grammar. I help you develop essential skills like goal-setting, adaptability, and cultural awareness...
¡Hola! I’m Verónica, a passionate Hispanic Philologist with a master’s in Spanish for foreigners. I’m here to make your Spanish learning experience not only effective but also fun and exciting.
With a strong academic background and a deep love for language, I guide students through more than just grammar. I help you develop essential skills like goal-setting, adaptability, and cultural awareness—all while enjoying the process!
As a bilingual Spanish-English speaker (with intermediate French and German), I understand the challenges of learning a new language firsthand. I’m proud to be accredited by the Cervantes Institute as a DELE examiner (B1-C2) and SIELE preparer, with recognition from institutions like UNAM, the University of Salamanca, and the University of Buenos Aires.
My mission is simple: to create a warm, motivating, and safe space where you feel inspired to explore Spanish and dive into its vibrant culture. Each class is designed to be interactive and engaging, so you stay excited about learning while boosting your fluency.
Want to learn more? Check out my website: Follow me on Instagram: Look me up on Google: La Escuelita del Spanish
Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or just want to know more—no commitment needed! I’m happy to help.
Disfruto mucho mis clases con Veronica, es es muy amable y me hace sentir cómoda en la clase, te deja responder a tu propio ritmo y te corrige adecuadamente.
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Octobre - 2024
Antes buscaba profesores por precio, creía que el estudio dependía de uno mismo, memorizando vocabulario, frases nuevas, pero luego los olvidas enseguida. Gracias a Verónica he podido estudiar sistemáticamente el español. Me abrió la puerta a la cultura hispanohablante, siento como que me ha dado otra vida. El agradecimiento me acompañará toda la vida.
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Ad van Boven
Octobre - 2024
Veronica offers fantastic live Spanish lessons in Alicante! She explains everything clearly and always creates a cheerful atmosphere. Thanks to her enthusiastic approach, I’ve learned a lot quickly. Highly recommended for anyone wanting to learn Spanish in a fun way!
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Susan Rochester
Mai - 2024
It's so hard to get through the first stages of a language, but the good thing about our lessons with Veronica is that she is fully committed. She prepares them, repeats everything with patience and a sincere smile. Gracias Veronica.
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Samantha Bailey
Avril - 2024
2 months with Veronica, and I feel quite excited for our learning path. She is so tender, and happy, an last but not least, prepared. Gracias Veronica, me gustan las clases.